Sharp reduction in import tax on oil & gas

From April 14, 2015, the concessional rate of import tax on gasoline and fuel oil in heading 27.10 reduces from 35% to 20% - 25%.
>> Giảm mạnh thuế nhập khẩu xăng, dầu
>> Thủ tục hải quan đối với xe gắn máy qua lại biên giới

Ms. Minh Nguyệt
Ms. Minh Nguyệt
Import tax on aviation fuel reduces to 10%.

Import tax on diesel for cars and other types of diesel also reduces from 30% to 20%.

Heading 98.38 – biological fuel (E5, E10), biological diesel (B5, B10) is added to the tariff schedule with the import tax of 20%.

These are important contents of Circular No. 48/2015/TT-BTC .

This Circular replaces Circular No. 03/2015/TT-BTC , annuls Dispatch No. 17728/BTC-CST dated December 04, 2014, and Dispatch No. 16661/BTC-CST dated November 29, 2012 of the Ministry of Finance.


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