Product owners entitled to decide form of disposal of recalled foods

This is the highlight of the Circular No. 23/2018/TT-BYT on recall and disposal of unsafe foods under the authority of the Ministry of Health.
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Thanh Vân
Thanh Vân

Pursuant to this Circular, food manufacturing and trading entities and persons may have the option of determining how to handle their recalled products in case of the voluntary recall.

In the situation where a voluntary recall takes place, within the maximum duration of 24 hours from the time of discovery or receipt of a feedback on unsafe products, if these products fall into cases that require a recall, the product owner is charged with:

- Informing the entire manufacturing and trading system over the phone, via emails or in any other relevant form, and then in writing, of suspension of manufacturing, business and recall of their products.  

- Informing mass media agencies at the provincial or municipal level, or other entities or organizations, in writing of protection of consumers’ interests and benefits;

- Informing competent authorities in charge of food safety affairs in writing of the product recall.

Note: When informing in writing, it is mandatory to clearly specify the name and address of the product owner and the manufacturer, product's name, packaging specifications, batch number, manufacturing date, expiry date, quantity and reasons for such recall,...

The Circular No. 23/2018/TT-BYT enters into force on November 1, 2018.



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