2015 Accounting Law set to be amended

This is the highlight of the Instruction No. 07/CT-TTg on continuation in effective implementation of the Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP on provision of assistance in developing enterprises by 2020 and the Instruction No. 26/CT-TTg on implementation of conclusions of the Government’s Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP.
>> Phạt đến 20 triệu đồng nếu lập không đủ các báo cáo tài chính
>> Sắp tới, tiến hành sửa đổi Luật Kế toán 2015

Thanh Trúc
Thanh Trúc

Pursuant to this Instruction, in 2018, the Ministry of Finance prescribes the following key tasks:

- Review and recommend the Government to appeal the National Assembly to amend regulations on licensing requirements of accounting services specified in the 2015 Accounting Law in order to reduce hindrance to operations of accounting enterprises.

- Amend the Law on Securities for the purpose of adapting foreign indirect investment requirements.

- Consider piloting the model of electronic invoices, electronic invoices with tax authority codes printed thereon and information links to manage retail sales of business households in Ho Chi Minh city and Hanoi in 2018.

- Construct the Decree on electronic invoices and evidencing documents to be enforced in 2018 for the whole economy.

- Imperatively draft the Law on Amendment to Laws on taxation, submit it for ratification and promptly deal with enterprise’s tax-related difficulties.

Furthermore, the Government requests the Ministry of Planning and Investment to review and revise the Decree No. 78/2015/ND-CP on enterprise registration.

The Instruction No. 07/CT-TTg is adopted on March 5, 2018.



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