Unit construction labor cost to be applied in 2015

The Ministry of Construction has recently promulgated the Circular No. 01/2015/TT-BXD on guidelines for determination of the unit labor cost in the management of the construction cost.
>> Nghị định mới về quản lý chi phí đầu tư xây dựng
>> Đơn giá nhân công xây dựng 2015

Ms. Kiều Oanh
Ms. Kiều Oanh

Accordingly, the unit labor cost is calculated according to the following formula:

GNC= LNCx HCBx 1/t


GNC: The unit labor cost paid to an employee who directly produces their output in a working day.

LNC : The input wage (including extra pays, mileage allowances, regional allowances, allowances for production stabilization failure, and taking into account market factors) used to calculate the unit labor cost  paid to an employee who directly produces their output in a working day.

HCB: The coefficient of the wage paid to an employee who directly produces the output.

 t: 26 working days per a month.

This Circular comes into force from May 15, 2015.


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