New Decree on guidelines for the Law on Notarization 2014

The Government has just issued Decree No. 29/2015/NĐ-CP on guidelines for the Law on Notarization 2014.
>> Đã có Nghị định hướng dẫn Luật Công chứng 2014
>> Quy định mới về thẩm quyền chứng thực của UBND cấp xã

Ms. Minh Nguyệt
Ms. Minh Nguyệt
According to the Decree, when a public notary office is converted into a private notary office, the following regulations must be complied with:

- The new private notary office must inherit every right, obligation, and notary documents of the old public notary office;

- Benefits of notaries, civil servants, and employees must be maintained after the old public notary office ceases to exist;

- The new private notary office must sign employment contracts with notaries, civil servants, and employees of the old public notary office;

- State-owned property under the management of the old public notary office must be handled in accordance with law to avoid loss during the conversion.

Moreover, participants in 6-month notary’s training courses according to the old Law shall keep doing the course and have the course completion certified.

New requirements applied to heads of private notary offices shall not apply to heads of private notary offices established before January 01, 2015.

Decree 29 comes into force from May 01, 2015.


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