Preferential power generation projects using solid waste

On May, 05, 2014, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 31/2014/QD-TTg on supporting mechanism for development of power generation projects using solid waste in Vietnam
>> Ưu đãi dự án phát điện sử dụng chất thải rắn
>> Định mức kinh tế kỹ thuật đo đạc địa chính 2014

Thế Hiếu
Thế Hiếu
Accordingly, the State Budget shall provide funding for formulation, appraisal and announcement of plans for development of power source using solid waste.

Projects are entitled to preferential invested capital such as mobilization of capital from domestic and international individuals and organizations and preferential investment credit;

In addition, these projects shall also be entitled to preferential tax such as exemption from import tax for imported goods to create fixed assets for projects, the goods as raw materials, supplies and semi-products in service of projects;

Moreover, these projects shall be entitled to land incentives such as exemption or reduction in land use fees and land rents.

The contents related to the support of electricity price and the implementation organization are specified in this Decision.

This Decision takes effect on June 20, 2014.


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