Issuing instructions for making evaluation reports on execution of technology transfer agreements

These instructions are addressed in the Circular No. 02/2018/TT-BKHCN on the regime for preparation of evaluation reports on execution of technology transfer agreements (TTA) with respect to technologies belong in the Classification List of technologies subject to restrictions on technology transfer.
>> Hướng dẫn báo cáo thực hiện hợp đồng chuyển giao công nghệ
>> Sử dụng bản ghi âm với mục đích thương mại phải trả tiền

Hoài Thương
Hoài Thương

The Circular prescribes that the technology transferee in an inbound or outbound technology transfer agreement, and the technology transferor in an outbound technology transfer agreement, shall assume the following responsibilities: 

- Periodically send annual reports by adopting the sample Report No. 05 issued together with this Circular to the Ministry of Science and Technology ahead of December 31 in a reporting year;

- Ensure data included in these reports are obtained from December 15 of the preceding year to end of December 14 of the reporting year.

- Prepare reports in the written format, including the following types:

+ Printed reports, signed and sealed by an entity’s Head (applicable to organizations), or endorsed with signature and full name (applicable to individuals);  

+ Electronic reports prepared in the PDF format and in a Vietnamese Unicode font (TCVN 6909:2001), and having contents the same as in printed reports.

- Organizations and individuals are requested to send their printed report directly or by post to the Ministry of Science and Technology and send their electronic report to the email address: [email protected].

The Circular No. 02/2018/TT-BKHCN will take effect on July 1, 2018.



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