New orders regarding revisions to online invitations to bid (E-ITB)

The Circular No. 04/2017/TT-BKHDT , which provides specific provisions for selection of bidders through the National Electronic Procurement System, prescribes that once in need of revise their e-ITBs the procuring entity must sign in their account and make any revision online upon receipt of the investor’s consent.
>> Hướng dẫn mới về sửa đổi hồ sơ mời thầu qua mạng (E-HSMT)
>> Thủ tục ĐK giao dịch ngoại hối trong đầu tư lĩnh vực dầu khí

Đặng Trang
Đặng Trang

This Circular will be implemented as follows:

- The procuring entity must post the decision on approval of revision to e-ITB (including amendment contents) and an updated version of e-ITB which has already been revised.

- Revision must be completed within at least 03 working days prior to the closing time provided that bidders have enough time to prepare a complete e-bid document (E-BD);

If not, the closing time must be extended.

After all revisions have already been made, the system must send a notification to the bidder who has clicked "follow" on the e-bid notification (E-BN) page, a subsidiary page of this online system.

It is noted that bidders are advised to frequently keep themselves updated with any correction made on the system in order to prepare correct e-BDs and meet e-ITB requirements.

For more details, please read through the Circular No. 04/2017/TT-BKHDT, which is set to enter into force from March 1, 2018.



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